Tuesday, December 21, 2010

List of Rules

  1. No member of Melaundrew shall use any resource that cannot be replenished. 
  2. Each member will contibute to service projects that benefit the environment.

Utopian Animal

The animal that symbolizes our Utopia is the Siberian Tiger.  The siberian tiger is a subspecies of tiger that is critically endangered; three subspecies of Tiger are already extinct.[1]

Utopian Motto and Seal

Slogan: "Be green, not mean"

This is the official seal of Melaundrew.  It represents how through environmental protection we can achieve a happier world.

Declaration of Independence

          We, Melaundrew are forming a utopian society that promotes the importance of our nation's ecology.  We will be an entirely green society, using only renewable resources and recycled matierials.
          We are on a mission to save the Earth's environment and create a world were man and nature can coexist.  The human population has been disrespecting the environment for quite some time and action needs to be taken. 
          In our work of conservation we intend to do our part to preserve the environment and fight global warming.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Blogtopia Assignment?

We have been assigned a very odd project, essentially to form a cult based on beliefs we do not have.  Our teacher, EFA's own Nancy Hamilton prompty informed us that she had yet to post a blog of any sort.  We now embark on this pitiful journey, which seems to  have no end in sight.  We will be sharing our misery with the entire internet world, as we are blogging these ideas, that again, we do not have.